Squire for iOS

Get the full experience of Squire right on your iPhone. You can watch all the available content of Squire Helper, Put.io or Plex right in your phone.


Movies - Detail view

Filters and Sort by

Get a full preview of all your movies available in your library. Easily navigate through all of them. Tap for more details.

Get interesting info such as release year, quality, duration, genre and small plot to help you decide if it’s right for you.

Filter your movies and show with our “emotional genres”. Optionally you can sort that filtering by different options to accommodate your needs.


Shows - Detail view

Shows - Mark as seen

Get a full preview of all your shows available in your library. Easily navigate through all of them. Tap for more details.

We’ve added a great way to know what’s your current status in the show. You don’t have to search for next episode, it will just show up on detail screen.

Manage your library and easily let Squire know which episodes you have seen by swiping right on the episode row.

Also available for your iPad

Watch your media in your gorgeous iPad screen without losing the portability of your iPhone.

The best iOS screen to watch your movies and shows

With Squire for iPad you can watch your movies and shows in your gorgeous iPad screen without losing the portability of your iPhone. The interface adapts to a bigger screen so you can quickly access all your content.

Squire get images and metadata from TMDB service. All trademarks, service marks, and logos contained on this app, are owned by or licensed to us and are subject to copyright and other intellectual property rights under United States and foreign laws and international conventions. Squire do comply with the conditions the service requires to use that API and which has legal terms over intellectual property rights and copyright policy https://www.themoviedb.org/documentation/website/terms-of-use